Are lab grown diamonds fake?

Are lab grown diamonds fake

Lab-grown diamonds are not fake; they are real diamonds. They are also known as synthetic diamonds, cultured diamonds, or man-made diamonds. The key difference between lab-grown diamonds and natural diamonds lies in their origin and formation process.

Origin and Formation:

  • Natural Diamonds: Natural diamonds are formed deep within the Earth’s mantle under extremely high pressure and temperature over millions of years. They are typically mined from the Earth’s surface.
  • Lab-Grown Diamonds: These diamonds are created in controlled environments within a laboratory. The process typically involves one of two methods: High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) or Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). In both methods, a small diamond seed or carbon source is subjected to conditions that mimic the natural diamond formation process, allowing carbon atoms to crystallize and form a diamond over several weeks to months.

Chemical Composition:

  • Both natural and lab-grown diamonds are composed of carbon atoms arranged in a crystal lattice structure, making them chemically identical. They share the same hardness, brilliance, and other physical properties.

Physical and Optical Properties:

  • Lab-grown diamonds exhibit the same physical and optical properties as natural diamonds. They have the same hardness (rated 10 on the Mohs scale), refractive index, dispersion, and luster. They can be cut and polished in the same way as natural diamonds, resulting in the same sparkle and brilliance.


  • Lab-grown diamonds can be identified by trained gemologists using specialized equipment, such as spectrometers, which can detect subtle differences in their growth patterns and trace elements. The majority of lab-grown diamonds are laser inscribed to indicate their origin, making it easy to distinguish them from natural diamonds.


  • Lab-grown diamonds are typically less expensive than natural diamonds of similar size and quality. The price difference is due to the lower production costs associated with growing diamonds in a controlled environment as opposed to the geological processes required to create natural diamonds.

Ethical and Environmental Considerations:

  • Lab-grown diamonds are often considered a more ethical and environmentally friendly choice because they do not involve the environmental impact, human rights concerns, and labor issues associated with diamond mining. They can also be produced with a reduced carbon footprint compared to mining.

In summary, lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds with the same chemical composition, physical properties, and optical qualities as natural diamonds. They are created through a controlled and scientific process rather than geological forces. While they are a more sustainable and cost-effective option, they are not “fake” in any sense. They are a legitimate and viable alternative to natural diamonds, with their own advantages and considerations.